Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Properties
What can you tell me about the property?
We purchase real property for the sole purpose of re-selling it. Everything we know about each parcel is stated in the listing.
why is this property so cheap?
We purchase properties in very large volumes at discount rates so we can sell to you at wholesale prices.
Even if i am not in the land business can I purchase wholesale priced land from you anyway?
Yes, we often sell to established real estate investors. However, some of our best customers are also new to land ownership.
Are there back taxes or liens associated with the property?
Unless otherwise stated, all of our properties are free, clear, and current at the time of conveyance.
How much are property taxes?
The property taxes are typically current unless otherwise stated and will vary from parcel to parcel. Please see the tax information section in each individual listing.
Does the property have utilities?
Unless indicated in the description, the properties we have for sale do not have utilities. Some of the properties have nearby residences and power lines will be in place.
Can i raise crops or animals on the property?
Most likely, yes. Please check with the county regarding permitted property use.
About the Process
Do I need an attorney or a real estate agent?
We simplified the buying process with straightforward, easy-to-read contracts. Of course, we encourage you to hire a professional if you think it’s necessary but we’ve done our best to make the process easy for anyone to understand.
Why should I buy from you instead of a real estate agent?
Real estate agent’s fees can range from 2% to 10% of the purchase price. We prefer to eliminate the middleman. We market land for a quick sale excluding their fees to get the buyer the very best price.
May I go tour the property before I buy it?
Yes, some require 4-wheel drive and GPS to locate but most are accessible via a 2-wheel drive vehicle. Please contact us if you need any assistance with maps, coordinates, etc. You don’t need to ask me, just go! Lots of buyers call me from the land and buy it during their tour.
Is title insurance available, and can we use escrow to close?
Yes, we conduct thorough due diligence on our properties and the titles are insurable by nationally recognized Title Insurance Companies.
will you take payments?
Sometimes, yes. Please contact us with your special circumstance.
How do I apply for owner financing?
We can typically offer financing on our properties. The minimum down payment varies on a property-by-property basis. After the down payment, the remaining balance may be financed on a term basis. We offer easy terms, with no credit check or lengthy underwriting process. You will have full use of the property upon completion of the paperwork and receipt of your down payment. We want you to enjoy it, show and tell your friend you got your land from us so they can too. There are no pre-payment penalties or balloon payments, so you can pay off the loan at any time.